There is something in men intrinsically, a primitive urge perhaps, that drives us to want to please women. Does this male refrain sound familiar? „I was just trying to make her happy!”

How to Make a Woman Happy is about taking relationships that are new, okay, not bad, doing fine, getting old or facing trouble, and making them exhilarating, exciting or just plain workable. 

It was written for men who want ideas. Sometimes one idea is all you need—and this book offers ideas aplenty. Whether it’s romancing her, gift-giving, intimacy suggestions, simple ideas for avoiding arguments, dealing with crying, love making, traditions, or communication for the impaired this book has it all. 

Take the practical Ideas that appeal to you and place them in the enclosed “Keep Her Happy” and “Romance” cheat sheets which you can tear out and place in your wallet or enter in your smart phone. You owe it to yourself to make her happy. Having and keeping anything worthwhile takes effort, whether it’s your jump shot, your job, or your relationship.



Could women live without the drama, passion and romance they experience with men? Without a love each woman dreams of in the secret reaches of her heart? The very fiber of our bodies cries out at times for a soulmate to possess us in times of loneliness or triumph?

 Within the DNA of her extra X chromosome, and in every single one of the 40 trillion or so microscopic cells in her body, nature embedded this clear message: Men are necessary for your survival. Neither men nor women would be born without the existence of both.

The book is organized into two parts, with intriguing stories sprinkled throughout each chapter to illustrate different points.

More books by Denis Hickey

The Breaking Free series is comprised of two books. It is a story of courage and love, of happiness and failure, of confusion and clarity, and of regret and completion. This is a story of us, a wonderful life adventure.